I sit here, contemplating the future. Every step I move, no matter how far, I’ll always look back, and ask myself “Where are you now?” My parents have been living in the dormitory of the National Cheng Kung University since I was born. The dormitory, in a small town, has always been my home. and even when I began living in other places once I was 17, that dormitory has always stayed my image of home. My neighbors in the dormitory represented the cream of the crop, whether circulating up or down, following a Chinese proverb: ‘To be a scholar is to be at the top of society.’ This means the accumulation of cultural capital is the only way to success. The neighboring families that I had grown up with had moved away, and my peers had all dispersed to the Western world. I trespassed through their old places, sat and looked at the familiar sceneries in the standardly designed rooms, and began thinking about how I might find myself on the same path.